
A travel guide for children

Little Bernie visits Amsterdam is a travel guide for children and their parents. It’s full of stories about the history and culture of the city and the habits and oddities of its inhabitants, and tips on sights, attractions and restaurants, you are able to a visit to Amsterdam with the whole family.

Little Bernie offers short reads about events, opening hours and special promotions online. To read more about the flying octopus and his friends Hannah, Okidoki and François order the book through this site without shipping costs. We ship Little Bernie visits Amsterdam all over the world but we are also able to deliver it to your hotel in Amsterdam.

Little Bernie visits Amsterdam is sponsored by MasterCard and published in collaboration with 50 museums, hotels, travel organisations, the Municipal Transport Company (GVB) and the Cruise Port Amsterdam (CPA) in the The Happy Travellers Club. The Book is also sold in bookshops, souvenir shops and museum shops in the Netherlands and abroad.

Little Bernie visits Amsterdam is fully illustrated and written in English and is most enjoyed by children between 4 and 12 and their parents. A Dutch edition will appear in September 2023.

Spread the word: end child hunger

Little Bernie not only informs and entertains but also helps. Particularly in drawing attention to hunger in the world and children in need in poor areas and war zones. At the launch of Little Bernie visits Amsterdam in Artis Zoo on 12 July, Little Bernie will make a donation of 250,000 euros together with sponsor MasterCard to the school meals program of UN organization The World Food Programme. Ten percent of the proceeds of the book will also be donated to this charity.

Little Bernie visits Amsterdam is published by Floris Media in Amsterdam. This young publisher also publishes fashion, art and design magazine Numéro Netherlands. Previously, the company published political magazine Bernie and creative entrepreneurial magazine Dirty Science.